Top 5 Resources for Portland’s Small Business Owners

courtesy of eo portland, serving entrepreneurs in the portland community since 1993

1) Managing cash in a crisis

This is a free toolkit (including webinar and downloadable worksheets) to help you manage your cash during this crisis from Greg Crabtree, author of Simple Numbers, a nationally lauded teacher in our entrepreneur community.

2) Forecasting the business landscape for the foreseeable future

Jenelle Isaacson, owner of Living Room Realty & Board President of EO Portland, talks to Brandon Gray. Brandon is a consultant working with companies nationwide with gross revenues of $5M to $100M as a contracted Chief Financial Officer. Brandon works with clients coaching, consulting, and financial forecasting. Jenelle asks:

  • What are best strategies and what should companies be doing to stay the course during COVID-19?

  • What does he forecast the business landscape looks like for the next foreseeable future?

Brandon was with Crabtree & Rowen before they merged with Carr, Riggs & Ingram. He's a partner of entrepreneurial expert, Greg Crabtree, author of Simple Numbers.

3) managing employees remotely

EO Member company Artisan Creative has been a remote company for over ten years and they are sharing some of the best practices and tools they've learned over the years in this 20-min video.

4) marketing during times of uncertainty

You can’t control event cancellations, but you can control what you do next. In this webinar by EO Member company Bonfire Marketing, which was recorded live on March 18, you’ll learn what steps you can take to keep your business moving forward.

5) selling during a Recession

This is a webinar recorded on March 25 for EO Members from Jeff Schneider, Principal at Sandler Training and Strategic Partner of EO Portland.

No doubt our current economic crisis and recession will change your selling strategies. During this webinar, Jeff covered topics like:

  • How do you build relationships and add value for clients and customers at this time?

  • What can you do to keep clients/customers in a downturn?

  • How can you position your business as an essential resource, product, or service?

  • How can you position your business to recover more quickly after the period is over?

While there's no "silver bullet" or single answer to solve these challenges, Jeff shared strategies that can help you rise to meet them.

Bonus: recorded Small business survival workshop

From our Strategic Partner RareBrain and several other seasoned entrepreneurs and experts in our community: a 5-part recorded workshop covering many business survival topics, including cash flow, financing, HR, legal, taxes, and more. Free access with just an email address through RareBrain.

What Is entrepreneurs’ Organization (EO)?

Oregon’s most influential business network, EO Portland is run by entrepreneurs for entrepreneurs.

We are part of the global EO organization of 14,000+ entrepreneurs, with 188 chapters across 58 countries, and with over 140 members in the Portland Chapter. Each EO Member is the founder, owner, or co-owner of a small business.

EO Portland Members include many of the brands Portlanders know and love, and many more of the sung and unsung voices that make our economic, social, and cultural lives here so vibrant and fulfilling.