Cash Flow
Greg Crabtree, author of Simple Numbers, is offering a kit of tools to help you manage your finances during this crisis — incredible resource from the expert himself!
30-sec video advice
Consider adding an expense line item called COVID-19 and dumping off all expenses in there including your staff and personal time spent dealing with a crisis — this 30-second video by Ron Lovett, author of Outrageous Empowerment, will explain why it will make it easier to apply for government assistance if and when it comes available.
stress test your cash — 3 months free tool
Alan Miltz’ SaaS tool for managing cash — no charge for 3 months — stress test your cash with just 6 numbers from your financials.
managing cash flow during a period of crisis
Borrowing from the lessons learned from the SARS outbreak in 2003, the 2008 recession and credit crunch, and the Japanese earthquake of 2011 (the most recent black swan event to significantly impact global supply chains), Deloitte offers the practices and strategies for consideration.
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Financial Resources for Businesses
From Business Oregon: available resources for small businesses providing financial assistance in the event of local, regional, or statewide economic impacts due to identified disasters.
Small business loans & alternatives — online Q&A Board from multi-funding business loan advisors
A free web forum for asking your questions about Small Business Administration Loans.