Meet EO Accelerator
Carla Titus, CEO of Wealth & Worth Within


Wealth & Worth Within is a fractional CFO business founded with the mission to empower business owners to take control of their finances to grow profits, have cash in the bank, and pay themselves, so they can build personal wealth.

>Can you share a big win — professional or personal?
Our biggest win has been bringing an additional CFO to the team. This step has allowed us to streamline our services and increase our capacity to support more clients. Plus, it allows me to delegate some of the CFO services so I can spend more time on CEO activities to help grow the business.
>What's on the horizon for you?
My biggest personal goal and what I'm looking forward to the most is my upcoming 2-week trip to Spain to visit my brother! Plus, enjoying a slow summer with my kids while my team steps up to run the business for me. My biggest business goals, and what I'm looking forward to the most, are expanding the numbers of CFO clients we support, and supporting an additional 5-10 bookkeeping business clients.

>How do you see AI entering your industry?
AI will replace a lot of the bookkeeping work by automating the function and allowing more value add work instead. As far as the finance function, it will make reporting and data analysis easier but won't replace critical thinking and experience a CFO brings to the business decisions.

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