Meet EO Accelerator
Will Fleming, CEO of Kaia Communications


At Kaia, we help people who have great stories to tell about their technologies or solutions but who don’t know how to tell them in a way that can be easily used by their sales teams. We talk the tech, understand its nuances, and communicate it in ways that will enable your sales teams. 

>What's on the horizon for you?
I was really stuck in my business growth for the last year or so because I thought I had to come up with an execute the elusive PERFECT plan. After some soul searching and reading the book Atomic Habits, I made a GOOD plan and am looking forward to being dependable and executing it.

>How do you unwind at the end of a long day?
In the summer I love backpacking in the wilderness, for days at a time, with my wife Julie. Currently, I am training to run a half marathon, so running or hitting the gym after work is my stress relief, before heading home to spend time with family, which I also love, but isn't always stress free.

>What's a critical mistake you made that was a major learning moment?
I have wasted too many months being stuck in my business because I wouldn't reach out and ask someone for help. I finally got that I'm not in this alone and that there are other people out there that want to help and see me succeed.

>Tell us about your favorite EO moment.
When another member approaches me at a social event and tells me that an experience or book I shared with them changed their life. That makes it all worth it and is the reason I think we are all on this planet.

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