Meet EO Member
Hamish Murray, CEO of Hamish Murray Construction


I started Hamish Murray Construction in 2000 and have spent close to a quarter century building lasting relationships in the residential construction industry. Our focus is on teamwork with our employees, clients, architects, and trade partners.

>What's on the horizon for you?
My focus for the next 6 months is extracting myself from the minutiae of the projects and focusing on the business at a higher level. To do this I am working to bring on more team members to take over those parts of the business that I do not want to work on.

>Your favorite EO moment so far?
Favorite EO moment of recent memory would have to be my Forum retreat to Joshua Tree last year. Such a great time getting to know my Forum mates in a relaxed environment. This year, we're going to Puerto Vallarta!

>What was your first job?
I have almost always worked for myself, but I did work on my grand-parent’s farm during high school, running a grain packing assembly line single handed at 14. Taught me a lot about responsibility.

>What was a critical mistake you made that resulted in a major learning moment?
Critical mistakes? So many, it is hard to narrow it down. One of the major ones was a compensation agreement we made with an employee in the early days of our company. It had to be done at the time as we couldn’t afford to pay a good salary. But we kept it going for too long and ended up working for that employee for a couple of years until we changed it.

Hamish joined EO Portland in 2019. Interested in joining a community of business founders? This could be your year! Learn more.